Take any tranparent image and make it into a circle with a frame! This script ends un-merged so you may use just the ring of the image, just the frame that is made, or merge them down to add them together. After the script has ran you can add whatever texture you want to the frame. It creates a 650 pixels x 650 pixels at 300 ppi frame. Comes with a how to instructions on "how to use the script" which is very basic. YOU decide how many repeats of the image to use!
Simply open the image you want to make into a frame (be sure it is larger than 300 x 300 pixels) and then run the script. The script will make a copy of the original image and close the original to make sure the original is not damaged. Then YOU choose how many times the item is repeated in the ring. Select from 2 - 60 times! Then you will be prompted for a color of the frame. Select your color, gradient or pattern of your choice for the frame. Add texture as you would like. Move the image ring to the outside of the frame, the inside of the frame or right on top of the frame. There are so many possibilities!
This is an awesome addition for anyone who wants to make frames to match a kit or for candy wrappers looking for an exceptional paint can lid topper!
This script is so cool it should be called "The Ultimate, Mega Cool. OMG I Can't Believe It's a Script" Script! But, that wouldn't fit well into the title. *smile*
Works in:
Jasc PSP 9
Corel PSP X - X3
PU/CU/S4H/S4O/Candy Wrapping
See TOU for complete details.
Click HERE to snag.
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