
Saturday, October 19, 2013

All for Nothing!

You may have seen my previous post regarding my one year anniversary blow out sale.  Well…I am feeling crazy generous today as I have come to a realization!

One…I have been providing tuts and free materials and freebies since 2010.  That is three years worth of fun play time and materials to help you grow your design business. I have had such a time trying to keep up with things since I started my new job a year ago. Things are starting to settle down and I now come to a crossroad where I say….

Two…I plan to add new tutorials and will be offering new materials, methods, freebies, etc.  So….

Out with the old and in with the NEW! 

I am offering the original One Year Anniversary Package absolutely FREE!

That’s right ladies and gents…no need to put on your glasses….you read that correctly…..FREE! 

One Year Anniversary Blowout FREEBIE! 



Included in the package are:

Candy Wrapping:

1 Paint Can Set, 2 Sets SOE Sized Overlays, 7 Sets of SOE Sized Papers, and 4 SOE Sets

Designer Tools:

2 PSP Brush Sets, 2 Color Pallet Packages, 3 PSP Shapes Sets

Digital Scrapping:

1 Full Size Kit, 3 Micro Kits, 18 Papers, 1 Quick Page

PSP Scripts:

71 Scripts!  Some never made it to the blog!


LOTS of goodies in this bag! A total resale value of $200.00.

Am I crazy?  Quite possibly!  So take advantage of my temporary insanity and grab this package for  FREE!! 

Click on the link below to download the package. 

Thank you for helping me celebrate this once blogging milestone and making room for new materials!

**NOTE – Not all files will be supported due to the number of files, age of the files and the amount of time it takes to modify them. But always ask…if time permits I will see what I can do! **

Get it HERE!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome! Thank you so much for your generosity!

  3. Hi Rhonda, I am new to psp and stumbled upon your great tutorials. I wanted to know if these scripts are still available? I would really love to learn and practice with them.
    Thank you.
